Sunday, January 14, 2007

Lost Memory

Today I had expected that I would be looking back upon a really fun weekend. Such is not the case. I had spent several months and considerable energy helping to push for a certain thing to happen, which it in fact did. The last two days have been the ceremonies and celebrations that went along with the annual affair. This would have been the first year I attended -and attended specifically to support the recipients of my energies as they received their awards. There were two full evenings of festivities. I had purchased my tickets and reserved my hotel room. Everything was set. - Then I didn't go. Partly due to the ice and snow storm, but mostly due to a severely infected ear that had been hurting me for better than a week. And the cold wind blowing made the whole side of my head hurt. I almost went, I came very close. But my better judgment just kept telling me - stay home - Stay Home - STAY HOME ....... So even though I couldn't believe it myself - I Stayed Home ...I missed out on doing something that I had wanted to do for a long time...and it was a once in a lifetime kind of thing..I have a lost memory of the event. Needless to say, I am saddened by the fact that I missed it...But Life Goes On...I know that some of those who attended will provide me with all the details of what I missed.
So what am I to do ?
Guess I will just relish the fact of the ceremonies importance and that the goal was achieved.
For Every Negative In Life, There Is At Least One Positive.

1 comment:

shears2 said...

Hey Mike, remember me? Cheryl Halla? I would love to visit with you sometime. Gosh I am so glad to find out where you and lots others are! I am planning to go to RC's hopefully soon in February if I can get a girlfriend or someone to go with me. I would also like to get copies of cd's. e-mail is hope to hear from you.